Provide your details below to apply for access to the Big Bus Tours Partner Booking Platform.
Emplacement :
Is your business based in a Big Bus destination city? If you are unsure, select 'No'.
Which city/cities do you want to sell? Please select all that apply
Which city/cities do you want to sell?
How do you want to buy through the Partner Booking Platform?
Select this option if you will be making bookings for customers who are in front of you, for example at a hotel front desk or concierge desk, in your shop or travel agency or at your kiosk.
You will be able to use the customer’s credit card for bookings and later receive a commission from Big Bus Tours. Other payment options may also be available subject to review.
Select this option if you will be booking and making payment yourself via credit card on behalf of your customers.
You can then add your own mark-up to these prices when selling to your customers.
You will pay for the net rate which is the price without commission by credit card at the time of booking.
Account Information
You will be purchasing Big Bus Tours Products at Net Rate. Please select your preferred transaction currency (please select one). *
Company Details
This is the name of the company who will contract with Big Bus Tours as a partner.
Select from these options the one that best describes the nature of your business.
This is the address of the company or individual who will contract with Big Bus Tours as a partner. Please include full billing address.
This is the registration number of the company that is contracting with Big Bus Tours as a partner.
This is the tax registration number of the company (where applicable) that is contracting with Big Bus Tours as a partner
Job Title
Conditions générales
Please tick this box to confirm that you have read and accept our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
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